Taking to Heart a Life Centered on Practice

Younge Drodul Ling (YDL) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the spiritual guidance of Younge Khachab Rinpoche. 

As a Dharma community guided by Rinpoche’s wisdom, we strive to walk the path of enlightenment, carrying forward the rich legacy of Tibetan Buddhism, and building a community rooted in compassion and wisdom.

Connection forms the heart of our community. 

As a global community of Dharma practitioners dedicated to preserving an authentic practice lineage, our community strives to make these transformative teachings available and accessible in a modern day context. 

With Rinpoche’s heartfelt guidance, clarification, and support, our collective vision is clear: to awaken to our true nature- our inherent Buddha nature- so that we may embody wisdom, generosity, kindness, and compassion in our communities and truly be of benefit for others.

What We Offer

Practice Support

We offer a supportive environment to deepen your practice through regular teachings, online sessions, and retreats.

Rinpoche on pilgrimage
Knowledge & Resources

We provide a wealth of practice materials, courses, and expert guidance from Younge Khachab Rinpoche and other teachers to support your practice.

Images of Buddhas
Community Engagement

We are dedicated to fostering an environment where open dialogue and exploration are encouraged. We invite members to participate in community initiatives, translating the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism into tangible, positive actions that benefit the world.

Get Involved.

Joining our community aligns you with other practitioners that are dedicated to their own practice, supporting each other, and embodying these teachings in all aspects of life.

Start by attending our online Sunday classes, and stay connected through our newsletter.

Board of Directors

Local Sangha Coordinators

Authentic presence opens the doorway to deeply personal connections and a willingness to extend compassion to all.